Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Slammed by Colleen Hoover Book Review

Here's a little back story for you: I've been homeschooled my entire life, up until this year. This is my senior year and I decided to do an online school this year. This is the first year that I've actually had teachers. My teachers are awesome. And the book that I'm reviewing in this post was recommended to me by one of these awesome teachers. Typically I don't like to read things suggested by others - a "conditioned response" according to my psych class, but why it's a conditioned response is another story entirely. I decided to read Slammed for several reasons: my teacher is awesome; I had nothing else to read; the book actually sounded interesting; I needed a break from all the vampires/werewolves/fallen angels/questions concerning a fence.

Layken "Lake" Cohen has been "slammed" with so many challenges and obstacles: first, her father's death. Second, a move across the country due to "financial strains." Third, a sneaking suspicion that there's a different reason that her mother moved them from Texas to Michigan. Fourth, a sudden halt to the relationship with Will, her new neighbor from across the street, the only thing that might have made the move bearable for Lake. Fifth, a revelation that threatens to tear her family - and her life - apart.

A girl just can't catch a break, can she?

Slammed is pretty easy to read: I read it in about a week, as opposed to about the three weeks that I usually take when I'm busy. It was short, to the point, didn't bother with non-essentials and the characters were easy to get along with (in my language that means their actions and words were justified). The only thing that I had a hard time grasping was the relationship between Lake and Will. It came upon them suddenly, ended even more quickly, and began a certain roller coaster ride that may have made it more believable, while at the same time not so much so.

The strength of this book, I believe, is in its characters and their relations to each other. Slammed will open yours eyes to reality, make you question what it really means to be a family, and put you in a perspective to put the emphasis on life rather on death - the one thing in life that is inevitable.

I give this book three stars out of five.

Now let's see if I can get some extra credit out of this review ;)

On a side note (cuz ya'll know I always need something random in my posts)... my best friend is trying to come up with some words that describe one of her book characters. She has large, intimidating, and brawny. Her character is pirate-y like. Anyone wanna help out? (And if the only thing you can come up with is "scurvey," don't bother; she needs his physical appearance described.)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy New Year! (2013)

It is now officially 2013. A lot of people will be making their New Year's resolutions: spend more time with family, spend less money, lose weight. I don't exactly make New Year's resolutions, because the things that people usually resolve to do are things that can and should be done at any point during the previous year; they shouldn't wait until the start of a new year to begin. But I decided this year my "resolution" will be more of a mindset upon entering the new year. I "resolve" the enter the year 2013 not knowing what is going to happen, but holding on to the hope that inspires my dreams, having faith that my future is in God's hands, and trusting that everything will work out for the better in the end. Because if there's one thing I've learned from life, it's that you never really know anything: you only have faith.

Here are some quotes that I've found inspiring in the last year:

"Seeing is not always believing, but also sometimes deceiving."

"Unless you believe, you will never understand."

"Faith, trust, and pixie dust."

I can honestly say that 2012 was a successful year for me, as well as a trying time for me. I had to take plenty of leaps of faith and learn to trust others (including God himself). There were times when I was pushed to my breaking point and beyond: sometimes I didn't even get a chance to restart before I was pushed further and further past my breaking point. So I've learned two things about myself this year: I am a lot stronger than I think, and I have a lot more patience than I ever thought I would ever have (I give God credit for both).

I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again because it is something that we could all do to be reminded of: if there is one thing that we have, it is faith. We might not all have it in the same things, but we all have faith. We never know anything. Here's an example that I like to use: We don't know that we're going to wake up in the morning; we just have faith. There are a lot of things we all have faith in, but maybe we don't notice it. So I challenge you to take a minute to sit back right now and think: what do I have faith in? Is it God? Is it yourself? Is it your family or friends? What do YOU have faith in?

I think we all need to be reminded of simple things every once in a while. Because they're so simple, we forget to remind ourselves and others of them. So here you go, to start off the new year.

Life always offers second chances; it's called tomorrow.

Never give up. You never know what's around the next bend. Always remember that miracles happen; hold on tight, because one might be headed your way.

It is never too late to change.

Change happens when you make it.

Your past does not define you; nothing defines you except you. YOU define you.

Don't look at how far you have to go still; look at how far you've come.

Quitting is for losers. Remember that the defining point for you between "Loser" and "Winner" is that point where you just want to give up. Are you going to give up or are you going to give it all you've got?

This is your life. Do what you want to do with it.

If you're not happy, then you're probably doing something wrong.

You can't expect anyone to respect you if you don't respect yourself first.

You are loved. You are not alone. Your existence counts.

Just because things aren't working out for you right now doesn't mean they won't work out in the end.

Just because today was a bad day doesn't mean tomorrow won't be the best day of your life. You've just got to get there.

I hope you all have a wonderful year! And remember: You were blessed to be a blessing.

God bless!

Molly Maurer